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Sunset (3/20/19), 48x54, acrylic on canvas  March 2020

Project: 2020

Sunset (3/20/19)


My last big project before the pandemic. This immersive project was an assignment for my hybrid studio about breaking down something complex and cliche and presenting it in its simplest form. Like everyone, I love sunsets and struggle to contain my awe and the urge to capture them. Yet, even the most beautiful pictures of sunsets fail to convey the feeling and experience of seeing one. I made multiple pallets of extracted colors from my three favorite sunset pictures I've taken. Two of which were from my favorite vacation spot of Seaside, Oregon, where I've seen some of the most spectacular explosions of color and clouds in the sky, but everyone liked this one from Alki Beach in Seattle the best in my work in progress critique. I wanted it to be overwhelming, so I made it quite large by drilling six canvases together and patching the gaps with scrap canvas. I displayed the painting with ocean sounds and audio from that day at the beach. I also set up a light at the top with a sunset dimmer function that was timed to three minutes, the average length of a sunset.

Sunset (3/20/19) Photo (2019)
Sunset (3/20/19) (2020)


Time Lapse Video Demonstration

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