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  • Brielle Lizabeth Wiggins

I got into Cornish College of the Arts!!!

NOTE: I am currently writing this one month before starting my senior year at Cornish College of the Arts. As you can probably tell, I got caught up in my life since starting school. I am FINALLY updating my website to efficiently include all of my work from the past three years. My opinions on this school have changed drastically over these three years for many reasons. Still, none of that will ever change how deeply excited I was when I had got in


I started this website during the homeschool period of my senior year of high school. I had been struggling a lot with my mental health. During this time, I had fully decided that I wanted to put my all into pursuing a career in the visual arts. I had decided on Cornish after feeling so at home on my tour there. The campus was excellent, the entire curriculum would be centered around the arts, and Seattle had always held a special place in my heart. Like many things in life, Cornish seemed too good to be true, and the more I struggled with my mental health, the more I wanted to stay in Washington close to family. With Cornish being the best art school in the state, it felt like a no-brainer. I spent my entire gap year working my first job and working on my application into one school. It's usually not a good idea to put all your eggs into one school's basket, but at the time, there was nothing I was more sure of wanting.

I had my portfolio review that November with my admissions counselor, who is a cornish alumni himself. I had gathered and curated what I thought would be a good first draft for my portfolio. Since I dabble in many different creative mediums, I just grabbed an even mix of everything. Towards the beginning, I briefly mentioned this website and said we could look at that too if he wanted. To my surprise, he thoroughly went through everything on my website. He responded positively, saying, "it's impressive to see how much you already have in your body of work." It was pretty eye-opening to have someone who didn't know me well go through my work like that. There were many pieces that I felt weren't the best that he liked. He also told me that he felt my photography was my most robust body of work. I should focus on showcasing that over my other mediums of work. The irony is I've barely taken any pictures since going to Cornish. He ended the review by basically giving me an essential list of pieces he'd like to see in my final portfolio application.

Below is a slide show of the 20 piece portfolio I submitted to Cornish:

That February, I had received an email from Cornish saying I had got in, and I felt like all my hard work paid off. I couldn't wait to start this new period of my life, but I had never felt more terrified. I started my journey at Cornish College of the Arts in the Fall of 2018, and I learned what working hard looked like. There were MANY sleepless all-nighters, breakdowns, and feeling like I don't deserve to be there. Through all of this, I gained the best artistic training I could've asked for. The art I'm making today feels leaps and bounds above all the work that was already on this website to the point where I no longer like the pieces on here, haha. Although Cornish has put me through quite a bit of hardship, I owe all of my current-day ability to my school and the brilliant professors that teach there.

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