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  • Brielle Lizabeth Wiggins

School Art Show(s)

Updated: Aug 3, 2021


This piece was an assignment where I had to uniquely incorporate five hands and five mannequins, so I came up with this. To read more about the making of this piece, check out its description on my portfolio website. In May of ninth grade, this piece, along with something else I made, was selected to go into my school district's art show. After the art show, I had to send one of them to the Puyallup Fair, or what is now known as the Washington State Fair.

The piece that was not this one was the one sent to the fair. I made a fleur de Lis print plate that stuck tin foil over, and then I used a toothpick to make an etching. I was told I would be receiving it back at the beginning of my sophomore year. Unfortunately, I'm now in my senior year, and I still haven't received it. I was told there was a slight chance that someone purchased the piece I entered, so I assumed that's what happened. I'm bummed I'll never be able to share that piece with you, but it's cool that someone liked it enough to buy it.

Then at the beginning of my senior year of high school, I entered this painting into my school district art show. I didn't paint this in my senior art class; I didn't tell them I had painted it a year before. But, it was fantastic having it be displayed for so many people. I was very proud of this painting, so I wanted to put this on display instead of something I did that year.

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