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  • Brielle Lizabeth Wiggins

My First Time Lapse Video!

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

I've always admired the time-lapse art videos you see on YouTube, so I wanted to try making one. I, unfortunately, didn't time-lapse the whole drawing, although I wish I did, it was a school project, and it took 30 hours, so that filming would've been extra tricky. This drawing is one of the featured pieces on my home page because I still believe it's the best thing I've ever made. I made this time-lapse video of a small portion of this drawing, which in itself still took three hours of layering. Video is my first attempt at this, so it's not the best, haha. There are a few moments where my hair gets in the shot, and the drawing is out of frame. But, this was a big hit on my Facebook and Instagram, so I'm happy with the result. To do this, I taped my phone onto one of my suitable drawing lamps with masking tape. My parents bought me a tripod for my phone for Hanukkah a few weeks later. Still, it's short, and I have difficulty getting everything I'm doing in the frame. I hope to figure out a system that works to make many more of these in the future.

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