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  • Brielle Lizabeth Wiggins

I made my own logo!

Updated: Aug 3, 2021


When I was setting up this website with Wix (a total lifesaver), it gave me the option to insert a logo, which made me think, "I should make one." I was going to draw one at first. Still, I couldn't think of what would best represent my page since I put many different types of art on here, plus I didn't want to make it too complicated. So I looked up "how to make a logo," and this website Canva came up. It gave me all the materials and ideas I needed to make a simple, cool, unique, sophisticated logo. I liked this heart icon they had, and I just thought it looked cool and artsy, and also unlike anything I've seen before. I thought it would fit because I put a lot of heart into my artwork, and I believe every good artist does. I might end up changing my logo again, but I'm thrilled with the one I have now, and I'd use Canva to make my next one. I also had the idea to print it out and paste it on all my boxes and get business cards with my new logo. I'm excited about how everything about my new small business is pulling together professionally.

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