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Project: 2020

Ocean Mistake


I was assigned to create three "mistakes" by trying new techniques without fear of the outcome. For this failure, I had wanted to try working with glass for the first time. I originally wanted to try glass blowing and sculpting with it. I had a very old glass blowing kit designed so I could make my beads. I, for some reason, figured it'd work the same. I had read through the pamphlets that had come with the kit as my kind of initial research. I tried for hours and accomplished very little. The picture on the right was my best attempt; it broke shortly after. I decided to embrace it, breaking and breaking it further. This is how I came up with using epoxy and glass shards. I had never used epoxy before, so that was experimental as well. I had watched a short video on tips and tricks with epoxy. It had mainly warned about the development of bubbles, but I wanted to embrace any bubbling. It works well because it's water and adds more interesting visual components. 

Progress Photos

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Pictures from Initial Glass Blowing

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