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To Weep Look in the Young Eyes

Project: 2019

To Weep Look in the Young Eyes


The theme of this assignment was "Materiality & Meaning," and we had to use books somewhere in the piece. My immediate inspiration for this project came from this picture I found on Pinterest looking up book art inspiration where a book was transformed into a tiny room. I immediately thought of creating a young girl's bedroom and creating a commentary on how so many teen girls immerse themselves in negative body and beauty perceptions without realizing it. I wanted to create an inside look into this girl's mind and insecurities while in her intimate personal space. I thought the pressure we put on women to appear and be a certain way was an interesting take on materiality and meaning. The topic of how to become more beautiful has many connotations with expensive and materialistic things, mainly in terms of the world of fashion. I  wanted a central girl cutout figure, two mirrors (whole body and vanity), and fashion posters and magazine covers all around her. I wanted the sculpture to feel like a bedroom made out of book pages, so I planned to have everything besides the girl be made out of book pages. I did not know what I was going to do for this project when I first bought books, but there was one book I bought because I liked its spine and how thick it was; this was the main book used, but the subject of the book didn't have anything to do with the subject of the piece. I found an old book full of auto ethnographies given by different women about their relationship with their hair and how this relates to their self-worth and body image.

Progress Photos

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Reference form Pinterest

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